Transmute Pro 2.70
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Transmute Pro 2.70

Transmute Pro provides a way to manage all of your bookmark collections
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2.70 See all
Darq Software
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Awards (7)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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4.2 MB

Transmute Pro is a Web browser bookmark converter. Converts any bookmarks between popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla and Apple Safari (including web bookmarks services like Delicious web bookmarks). The program keeps the folder structure of the stored favorites and works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Transmute Pro is great, not only it converts between different web browsers but it is also capable of keeping several browsers synchronized. Meaning that whenever a new bookmark is added in one browser the other one can be updated manually or automatically.

The program has one great new addition which checks for dead links and removes them automatically. Also it has a duplicate finder integrated, which allows users cleaning up repeated favorites easily and quickly.

Transmute Pro is easy to use; its interface is designed as an explorer window. With a left pane to view the favorites folders and a central pane where users can modify the properties of the link/URL such as name, rating, tag, keyword, etc. It also provides date of creation, visits, and last modification plus it has options to create or delete bookmarks.

The program is a bit expensive but it runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS and easily manages and synchronizes bookmarks between web browsers.

MS Senior editor
Max Santillana
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Review summary


  • Synchronizes favorites between web browsers
  • Works on Mac, Linux and Windows
  • Enables URL edition and removal
  • Deletes duplicate links
  • Finds dead links


  • Doesn't synchronize between OS


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  • Chrome bookmark safari
  • Mozilla firefox
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